Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Have you ever felt like you were a starring role in a Seinfeld episode? That was today for me. It was teeth cleaning day for me at the dentist......something that is never fun, but I guess necessary for dental health. Anyway, all was going well until it was time for her to brush my teeth at the end with that little spinny rubber thing. She gave me the suction stick to hold in my right hand, slathered my teeth with that very grainy and gritty toothpaste, and started spinning. I noticed that she pumped her foot on some pedal thing to get the spinny thing to spin. Well, about halfway through this procedure, the spinny thing malfunctioned. She couldn't get it to spin, and started pumping her foot faster, in different angles, getting very frustrated, remember I'm holding the suction stick, have the gritty toothpaste caked on my teeth, mouth wide open, Blinding light in my eyes (the big light said Belmont......I always notice the brand on that big light) and the Wonders of the World posters on the ceiling are staring back at me. By now, I started getting tickled. Now this is funny. She is very frustrated, still pumping away, it would come on, she would do a tooth or two, then it would stop. I think she was new or something......I can't imagine anyone else going at that foot pump the way she was trying to get it to work. By now, I am laughing out loud, trying not to choke on the now running down the back of my throat gritty toothpaste stuff. It was hilarious. She finally did go next door and another gal came over and fixed it for her. Still, it was one of those surreal moments that became comical.....Ever had one of those? I always love it when something funny happens early in the day, to get my smile really going. It was very easy to smile today, though, because it was gorgeous, and was the first day that it felt like Fall all day! Bring on those pumpkins!!! Speaking of pumpkins, here's a very festive, sweet fall appetizer, or dessert. Delicious! Enjoy!!! J


2 8-oz pkgs cream cheese
4 cups (or less) confectioners sugar, sifted
1 can pumpkin or pumpkin pie filling mix
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger

In a large mixing bowl combine cream cheese and sugar, beating until well blended. Beat in remaining ingredients. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To serve, scoop out 1 or 2 miniature pumpkins and fill them up with the dip. Use ginger snaps for dipping.

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