Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Don't you just love it when you are out on your leisurely morning walk when out of nowhere the neighborhood Jack Russell wannabe but I'm only a squatty mutt, charges you in the street and goes for the ankles!!! I think he knew I meant business when I screamed NO! quite loudly, grabbed the biggest stick I could find, and raised it to swing. He tucked his tail and then walked away. I would have taken him out if I had needed to. He was NOT a cute dog...........Good morning! So, is it ok for a 12 year old boy to eat 4 eggs in one sitting? Yep, Andrew ate 4 boiled eggs this morning, along with toast, juice and coffee. Something about eggs, cholesterol, are they still related? They change things everyday, so I'm not sure what the latest is. I guess he is a growing boy. Just call him Gaston, from Beauty and the Beast. Speaking of my growing boy, I have attached a picture to this post that I title "But I Don't Want To Go To COTILLION!" Notice the forced smile! He did, however, go with a couple of his buddies, kicking and screaming. You would have thought that I was sending him to be tarred and feathered. He's truly been dreading this for years. I figure, though, if he at least learns not to LICK the syrup off of his plate after finishing his pancakes, it will have been money well spent. Speaking of breakfast, this is a great recipe that my friend Katy in Virginia (Thanks Katy) introduced to me years ago. It will have your house smelling like an oatmeal cookie, and will be one you and your family will crave!!! Enjoy!! J


1/3 cup butter

2 large eggs

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon (or a little of both)

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

2 tablespoons milk

3 cups oatmeal (regular or quick)

1. Melt butter

2. Grease 1 1/2 quart baking dish and drop in eggs and beat well

3. Add brown sugar, baking powder, vanilla, nutmeg or cinnamon, and salt. Mix well, no lumps.

4. Whisk in butter and both measures of milk, then add oats.

5. Stir well, and refrigerate overnight.

6. Bake, uncovered at 350 for 35-45 minutes, or until set in the middle.

7. Serve hot with warm milk or cream poured over. Mmmmmmmm.......

Note: This doesn't have to refrigerate overnight, but it can. I would suggest if sitting overnight, use old fashioned oats, and if you make it right before, use quick oats. You can also mix it up in a bowl and pour into the casserole if you don't mind more dirty dishes.

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