6:00 a.m., after hitting snooze for 15 minutes, I'M UP!!! Shower........I have to have water on my face to fully awaken. Oh my, I've surely been hit by a freight train during the night. Ok, one of my eyes is now open just enough to at least see what I'm doing to pour my coffee. Caffeine....AHHH! Love that drug. Kids are up, dressed, fed, watered, teeth brushed, out the door and into the van by 7:15.......off for pictures. 7:40, Andrew's picture, 7:50, Wesley's picture, 8:00, James Avery's picture, 8:10, Emma's picture, Andrew and Wesley ride over with their coaches to their games, James Avery and Emma walk with their teams to theirs. I go to the car and transfer car seats, then back into the arena to retrieve my now cold coffee that I left there. Ok, I can do this, 15 minutes per game.......that's fair and balanced. I go to James Avery's first. Ok, so 20 minutes for James, now off to Emma's. Where are my keys? Susan, do you see my keys. This is not happening. I can't not have my keys, not today........I go to Emma's field and search her bag, no keys, I go back to the car and peek inside, no keys.......I head to the arena, when I passed the concession stand I asked where lost and found is. What did you lose? My Keys. Do they have a J on them.....YES! YES! YES! They do have a J on them!!!! Praise the Lord. Now, back to Emma's game, ok, so she got about 3 minutes with a few Go Emma's. Into the car now, across the road to the other fields where Andrew and Wesley were playing side by side. I literally stand on the sidewalk in between both fields, and make regular rotations toward each field shouting, Go Wesley, Yeah Andrew. This morning has quickly become a blur. Finally, the games are over. I think I forgot to eat breakfast, I'm starving, but now I have to drop off the boys, and get to Emma's birthday party. Can I just say that it was a day? Home from the party at 12:30, taught a lesson at 2:00, Steve got home mid afternoon, I caught power naps as I could on top, yes on top of the pile of clean laundry waiting to be folded on my couch. Publix run for dinner and groceries, party invitations filled out......I loved how Michele put it on her facebook......the Saturday Scramble, that it was, now I'm very happily going to bed!!! Enjoy the roasted asparagus. Very quick and delicious side. J
2 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus, about 30 large
2 Tbs olive oil
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 lemons cut in wedges for serving
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Break off hard ends of asparagus. Lay them in a single layer on a sheet pan and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 15 to 20 minutes, until tender. Sprinkle with the Parmesan and return to the oven for another minute. Serve with lemon wedges. Thick asparagus work better, and have more flavor.
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